Brother to Brother
Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on leadership skills and issues that leaders face in serving within the church, hosted by Rod McNair and Jonathan McNair.
37 episodes
Feast Sites - How do we know where God places His name
The Feast of Tabernacles is the highlight of the year for many. Have you ever wondered how Feast sites are selected? Why is one location chosen over another and how does the process start? Listen in for a behind the scenes look at the answers t...
Season 3
Episode 4

Flawed or Fallible
Are we flawed...or fallible? What is the difference and does it matter?Listen in to the conversation!Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on leadership skills and issues that leaders face in serving within the church...
Season 3
Episode 3

Success From Failure
How do we define success? How do we define failure? One man's ability to successfully navigate some of the harshest physical conditions on earth, while leading his men to safety teaches us some profound lessons about success and failure....
Season 3
Episode 2

Leaders and Fringers
You're a leader - but how do you deal with "fringers"? How do you deal with people who are not as engaged, proactive and energetic as you? How should you? Listen for some points to ponder. Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on...
Season 3
Episode 1

To Impart a Spiritual Gift
To the church at Rome, Paul wrote, "For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established--" (Rom 1:11) What an honor that God allows and inspires us to be involved in the process of the gr...
Season 2
Episode 10

The Flexible Leader
As always the brothers are bringing new insight and perspectives on leadership in the church and how we can best fill our roles. This episode is focused on flexibility in leadership. How does a leader be flexible? Doesn't a leader need to stand...
Season 2
Episode 9

Profile in Leadership- Joshua
We've got something new for you this time! This will be the first of a series of "leadership profiles" that the brothers dive into. These profiles will pick apart the leadership qualities and skills of Biblical leaders and discuss how we can le...
Season 2
Episode 8

Song Leading
In this episode of B2B we will walk through song leading principles and cover how song leaders can set the tone for services and do so effectively.Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on leadership skills and issues that leaders ...
Season 2
Episode 7

You've likely had a TWP (Tomorrows World Presentation) in your area in the past, but how well do you understand what they are? And more importantly, do you know how you can help to make them run smoothly and beneficially? This episode of ...
Season 2
Episode 6

Servant Leadership Featuring Phil Sena
We are all familiar with the concept of servant leadership as Christ taught it, but how does one go about living it? And are there any drawbacks? This episode of B2B will cover these questions and so much more!Brother to Brothe...
Season 2
Episode 5

Leaders are Readers
We all know the saying "all leaders are readers but not all readers are leaders" but as the average attention span continues to shorten, fewer and fewer people are taking the time to sit down and actually read books. How is this effecting our l...
Season 2
Episode 4

Sermons we see
In this episode of B2B we review the poem "Sermons we see" by Edgar A. Guest and draw out principles of leadership and the power of example.Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on leadership skills and issues that leaders face in...
Season 2
Episode 3

The PK Dillemma
"Preacher's Kids" are sometimes referred to as "PK's". Should "PK's" be given special consideration? What dynamics does a congregation face when a pastor and his wife have children? In this episode of Brother to Brother, two "PK's" dis...
Season 2
Episode 2

Two Things Leaders Don't Say...and One They Do
The things that leaders say make an impact - and some don't realize how much!Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on leadership skills and issues that leaders face in serving within the church, hosted by Rod McNair and Jonathan M...
Season 2
Episode 1

Champion...the Cause
Are you a champion...for a cause? Leaders are!Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on leadership skills and issues that leaders face in serving within the church, hosted by Rod McNair and Jonathan McNair.
Season 1
Episode 23

Management v. Leadership
For some people, management is the dull little brother of leadership. But are we missing something? Which is really more important...management or leadership? This podcast reveals the answer, and it may surprise you!Brother to Brothe...
Season 1
Episode 22

B2B Interview: Mr. Stuart Wachowicz
This episode of Brother to Brother features an interview with Mr. Stuart Wachowicz, the Regional Director for the Living Church of God for the Canadian Region. Before serving full-time in the ministry, he spent many years as a teacher and admin...
Season 1
Episode 21

Taking the Mystery Out of Spokesman Club
What is "Spokesman Club?" Perhaps you've been part of the Spokesman Club in years gone by and you know what it is, but do you know when and why it began? And why is it important? What purpose does Spokesman Club serve? Listen in to take the ...
Season 1
Episode 20

Matthew 18 and Leadership
In Matthew 18, we're told that we should go to our brother when he has sinned against us. But if we are going to be Christian leaders, our job doesn't end there. Listen to find out more!Brother to Brother is a podcast fo...
Season 1
Episode 19

Winners Never Quit?
There's a popular saying that goes: "Winners never quit, and quitters never win." How accurate can that statement really be? How do we know when we SHOULD quit?Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on leadership skills and ...
Season 1
Episode 18

What to Do When Your Pastor Is “Wrong”
Inevitably, the time will come when our pastor is wrong...at least we think so.How do we deal with a situation in which we believe that someone in authority over us is wrong? By thinking through some important principles ahead of time, w...
Season 1
Episode 17

Ask Questions
Unless we ask questions, we won't find answers. But what is the difference between good questions and bad questions? And is there a right way to ask questions? Tune in to find out.Brother to Brother is a podcast focusing on le...
Season 1
Episode 16

Lessons From a Leaky Toilet
There is nothing worse that a dripping faucet or a leaky toilet - except when it only leaks or drips sometimes! Should you replace it or not? Will it work tomorrow if it's working today? How does this quandary bear upon our quest to become b...
Season 1
Episode 15