Brother to Brother

Have You Heard the Latest?

January 13, 2023 Jonathan McNair and Rod McNair Season 1 Episode 10
Have You Heard the Latest?
Brother to Brother
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Brother to Brother
Have You Heard the Latest?
Jan 13, 2023 Season 1 Episode 10
Jonathan McNair and Rod McNair

We need to talk. But maybe we need to talk about something else. If we want to be a leader, what we talk about, who we talk about, and how we talk about them matters. How can we avoid hurting others and harming our own credibility with our words about other people? Listen and give this issue some thought.

Show Notes Chapter Markers

We need to talk. But maybe we need to talk about something else. If we want to be a leader, what we talk about, who we talk about, and how we talk about them matters. How can we avoid hurting others and harming our own credibility with our words about other people? Listen and give this issue some thought.

Generating rumors through carelessness
How do we handle gossip?
When and how to take proactive action